Sunday, September 30, 2007

View->Text Size->Increase (cmd+)

On my mbp, I increase the size of my font via the shortcut key (cmd+... applekey with plus key). How is this feature implemented?

1. search mxr for "Text Size"


* line 30 -- <!--ENTITY textSizePlus.label "Text Size +"-->
* line 31 -- <!--ENTITY textSizeMinus.label "Text Size -"-->
2. search for textSizePlus.label


* line 329 -- label="&textSizePlus.label;"
3. open up the minimo.xul to see if I can find a function
Side Question: What is minimo? it looks important, like it defines the main menu for firefox browser.
Minimo is the windows mobile browser... DOH, Im sure Dave told us about that in class too

Ok Restart

1. search mxr for "Text Size"

* line 292 -- <!--ENTITY textSize.label "Text Size"-->
2. search for textSize.label

* line 174 -- <menu id="viewTextZoomMenu" label="&textSize.label;" accesskey="&textSize.accesskey;" observes="isImage">
3. open the source and look for a function
174                 <menu id="viewTextZoomMenu" label="&textSize.label;" accesskey="&textSize.accesskey;" observes="isImage">
175 <menupopup>
176 <menuitem key="key_textZoomEnlarge" label="&textZoomEnlargeCmd.label;" accesskey="&textZoomEnlargeCmd.accesskey;" 177="" command="cmd_textZoomEnlarge">
178 <menuitem key="key_textZoomReduce" label="&textZoomReduceCmd.label;" accesskey="&textZoomReduceCmd.accesskey;" 179="" command="cmd_textZoomReduce">
180 <menuseparator>
181 <menuitem key="key_textZoomReset" label="&textZoomResetCmd.label;" accesskey="&textZoomResetCmd.accesskey;" 182="" command="cmd_textZoomReset">
183 </menuitem>
4. command="cmd_textZoomEnlarge" ??? look for that

* line 105 -- <command id="cmd_textZoomEnlarge" oncommand="TextZoom.enlarge()">
5. TextZoom looks like a class, lets do an Identifier Search
 73   __zoomManager: null,
74 get _zoomManager() {
75 if (!this.__zoomManager)
76 this.__zoomManager = ZoomManager.prototype.getInstance();
77 return this.__zoomManager;
78 },

236 enlarge: function TextZoom_enlarge() {
237 this._zoomManager.enlarge();
238 this._applySettingToPref();
239 },
So basically when a textZoomEnlargeCmd.label or a textZoomEnlargeCmd.accesskey occurs the TextZoom.enlarge function is ran... this in turn asks the ZoomManager to run things for it. What is the ZoomManager (obviously a singleton), What does it do?

6. Search for ZoomManager
  49 function ZoomManager() {
50 this.bundle = document.getElementById("bundle_viewZoom");
52 // factorAnchor starts on factorOther
53 this.factorOther = parseInt(this.bundle.getString("valueOther"));
54 this.factorAnchor = this.factorOther;
55 }
enlarge method
 102   enlarge : function() {
103 this.jump(1);
104 },
jump method
 153   jump : function(aDirection) {
154 if (aDirection != -1 && aDirection != 1)
155 throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
157 this.ensureZoomFactors();
159 var currentZoom = this.textZoom;
160 var insertIndex = -1;
161 var stepFactor = parseFloat(this.bundle.getString("stepFactor"));
163 // temporarily add factorOther to list
164 if (this.isZoomInRange(this.factorOther)) {
165 insertIndex = 0;
166 while (this.zoomFactors[insertIndex] < this.factorOther)
167 ++insertIndex;
169 if (this.zoomFactors[insertIndex] != this.factorOther)
170 this.zoomFactors.splice(insertIndex, 0, this.factorOther);
171 }
173 var factor;
174 var done = false;
176 if (this.isZoomInRange(currentZoom)) {
177 var index = this.indexOf(currentZoom);
178 if (aDirection == -1 && index == 0 ||
179 aDirection == 1 && index == this.zoomFactors.length - 1) {
180 this.steps = 0;
181 this.factorAnchor = this.zoomFactors[index];
182 } else {
183 factor = this.zoomFactors[index + aDirection];
184 done = true;
185 }
186 }
188 if (!done) {
189 this.steps += aDirection;
190 factor = this.factorAnchor * Math.pow(stepFactor, this.steps);
191 if (factor < this.MIN || factor > this.MAX) {
192 this.steps -= aDirection;
193 factor = this.factorAnchor * Math.pow(stepFactor, this.steps);
194 }
195 factor = Math.round(factor);
196 if (this.isZoomInRange(factor))
197 factor = this.snap(factor);
198 else
199 this.factorOther = factor;
200 }
202 if (insertIndex != -1)
203 this.zoomFactors.splice(insertIndex, 1);
205 this.textZoom = factor;
206 },
Well this is where the code is... ZoomManager.jump. The browser is defined in the, which is an include file for the browser.xul . Browser.xul is the user interface definition for the firefox browser.

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